P M Services is led by it's president, Landry Douglass, a skilled property manager with over 10 years of experience in the local market. Landry holds a California Bureau of Real Estate Broker's License. He does continuing education classes in marketing and business through the California Apartment Association to stay current with all issues relating to the successful management of investment properties. Landry is a member in good standing of the California Apartment Association and Better Business Bureau (A+ Rating).
P M Services manages approximately 600 units from single-family homes to multi family apartment complexes. Our office staff consists of five full time employees and we have many on-site managers at various complexes. P M Services owes the majority of it's success to referrals from satisfied clients, realtors, brokers and other business associates in Fresno.
Our goal is to continue to earn the trust of property owners and residents alike. Search our available rental listings, or call us today for a free quote at (559) 224-2930.